What are the eligibility requirements?

Nominees must be in their final year of PhD or within three years of having graduated and not yet in a tenure-track faculty or permanent staff position.

I wish to nominate someone who is within 3 years of PhD graduation but already has a tenure-track or national lab/industry staff position. Are they eligible?

Anyone already in a tenure-track or staff position is not eligible.

What nomination materials are required?

Please upload a nomination letter of support and the nominee's resume. The resume should not exceed two pages.

When is the nomination submission deadline?

Nominations are due January 31, 2025.

Are nominations restricted to US citizens?

All nominations are welcome. However, due to limited funds to support travel, the number of attendees from international locations will be limited.

What criteria are considered for selection?

Nominees are considered based on their technical merit, technical and service leadership.

Examples of leadership include, but are not limited to:

  • Active participation and/or leadership positions in local professional society chapters
  • Active participation in university groups, such as student organizations, mentoring groups, etc.
  • Participation in workshops, conferences, and other professional community events
  • Participating in/leading successful funding proposals (including graduate/postdoctoral fellowships)

What topics will be covered in the agenda?

The agenda will be a mix of research presentations, technical discussions, career advice panels, and discussions about academic/research life. A primary focus of the workshop is broadening the participation of early career researchers in computational and data sciences. The specific agenda will be posted once attendees have been selected.

Can multiple people submit a nomination for the same person?

We prefer one nomination letter per applicant, but it can be signed by multiple nominators.

Should the nominee be involved in the application process or should it be anonymous?

Yes, the nominee should be involved! The nominee should provide their resume and also be enthusiastic about wanting to attend such an event.

When will nominees be notified of selection?

Nominees will be notified in mid-February.